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The church is a large body. So many lives to impact, so many people to reach and for this to be done effectively we've broken down the church into different ministries for the sole purpose of specifically reaching out to different categories of people not disregarding the general gathering on week-end and week-days. Different time and days have been design for these ministries. 

Do ensure you join a ministry.


Kid's Ministry

Like Jesus said "suffer not the little children to come to me" children are very vital and important in god's sight. So we at LBC have taken it upon ourselves to nurture children of different ages, teach them the word of God, help them come out to their full potentials as children by engaging them in different activities. Not to rule out the fact that children are the future.

Men's Ministry 

Men are very important personalities when it comes to the society and in the family. They need to be taught how to approach the world and take care of their respective homes through the word of God. Here at the men's ministry we come together not only to study the word of God but to pray together as Jesus had commanded us to pray often and not faint.

Youth's Ministry

Many young adults and adolescent crave to always be around people that is why here we not only pray together, read scriptures but we build a relationship with ourselves. We are like a family were any body is accepted not regarding your color, class, status or tribe.  

Women's Ministry

We all know how our mothers work tirelessly around the clock to ensure we their children would have a comfortable life. But here we teach how mothers should take care of their children, train them up, treat them in different occasions. We also come together to discuss our problems together for the purpose of bearing one another's burden just lie Jesus hath commanded 

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